Ropes And Rigging
Military Marine provide the full range of ropes and rigging to both Commercial and Admiralty specifications IAW BR 67 Vol 4 either for the material or fully made up assemblies to the SDNs, Nato Code, Ships Rigging Warrant.
BSEN 698: 1995 ISO 1181 Sisal
BSEN 698: 1996 ISO 1181 Manila
BSEN 700: 1995 ISO 1969 Polyethylene
BSEN 696: 1995 ISO 1140 Nylon
BSEN 697: 1995 ISO 1141 Polyester
BSEN 699: 1995 ISO 1346 Polypropylene
MoD Specialist Ropes
HMPE Dyneema Ropes